Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Run Salary Man Run: Drive

The fourth film in the series of Sabu films at the Japan Society was Drive. This is possibly the most accessible and straightforward of any Sabu film I've seen so far. It's also one of the best.

The plot of the film has a salary man, who is a stickler for doing things the right way and prone to headaches, getting carjacked/kidnapped by three bank robbers who have been double crossed by one their own. Insisting our hero speed after their turncoat comrade, the salary man heads off after him at the speed limit, stopping at every red light... The crooks are not pleased. This being a Sabu film that's only the set up for a ride that is actually not so much about getting the money back but fate, karma and doing the right thing.

I have a great deal to say about the film and I will when I write up a full review.

Before I do that you should know that the film contains one of my most favorite scenes in all of film involving a punk rock concert. I won't say more, other than its perfect and basically sets up the rest of the film wonderfully.

As for the screening, it was very low key. There was only about 30 people in the place until about ten minutes before the start then it became about half full. Its very sad since as many people have said its one of the best but least seen retrospectives in New York for the last few years. I can't really blame the weather, perhaps it was that it was a Wednesday night or perhaps it was simply that no one knows Sabu. Perhaps its all of that and that the Japan Society is a bit of a hike to get to, it's not bad, it just takes some effort.

If you have any interest go see either the film Friday or Saturday because once they screen you'll be hard pressed to find them.(I have both coming on DVD but I had to search)

One quick thing before bed- I was amused by a comment by a man who was seeing the whole series, who was disappointed that the series didn't give insight into the life of a salary man. He was loving the movies but had gone into the films looking for insight into everyday life.

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